Safe, fun, and reliable pet sitting services.

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Pet Sitting | House Sitting | Dog Walking | Drop-ins and more!



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Pet Care With Zo offers the following services:

Pet sitting and House sitting

Qualified and insured with plenty of experience to provide you with a peace of mind. Not only is your pet completely cared for, but your home is safe and taken care of while you're away!

Dog walking

Free up your schedule and let me take care of the walks for you! Whether you'd like your dog to go out while you're at work or even just as a treat for your dog - whatever the reason, I'm happy to help!


I can drop-in during the morning, afternoon or evening to check on your pets, provide feeds, toileting, play etc. I can also take care of chores e.g accepting post, watering plants, opening/closing curtains & blinds.

Reliable and trustworthy pet care professional

What customers have to say

Zo looked after our 2 puppas who hate to be left alone. She was great and enabled us to have a much needed day out. My dogs were very happy with her friendly nature so I felt comfortable to leave them with her. She is first aid trained and clearly loves dogs. She sent photo updates to put my mind at ease whilst we were out. I won't hesitate to use Zo again.

Kathryn T.

Loki & Lexi

Zo watched our 3 dogs for a few days for our wedding and whilst on our honeymoon. Zo cleared up all concerns with her being first aid trained and coming round to familiarise herself first before she stayed. It's needless to say they all loved her so much and enjoyed meeting their new friend, Turbo. She sent regular updates and pictures of all the dogs on walks and chilling out at home, and now we'd never go anywhere else!

Not only the amazing job she did with our babes but honestly, you'd have never known she'd been at the house as it was immaculate when we got home.

Courtney & Dave P.

Mia, Bear & Nala

Zo is very passionate about her role to look after our pets. She treats them as her own and is very knowledgeable in all aspects of their care. When Zo stays at your home, she treats it with respect. We cannot recommend her highly enough.

Vivienne & John K.


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